Course Schedule & Texts
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- Zuroski, E. (2020). Where Do You Know From: An Exercise
- Freire, P. (1970/1993). Pedagogy of the Oppressed (in The Vault 🗝)
- IN CLASS: Tik Toks, Tweets, & Testimonials from the Education Toolbox
Search “The Vault” in your CCNY email OR as a classmate for the password
- Du Bois, W.E.B. (1935). Does the Negro Need Separate Schools?
- Hadjar & Gross. (2016). Education systems and inequalities, Introduction & Chapter 1
- Ladson-Billings, G. (2013). “Stakes Is High”: Educating New Century Students
- Powell, L. (2016). The Law and Significance of Plessy
- Gross, Gottburgsen & Phoenix. (2016). Education systems and inequalities, Chapter 3 “Education systems and intersectionality,” 51-72.
- Ryan, M., & Panetta, S. L. (2020). The Politics of Structured Inequality from Johnson to Trump. In The Enduring Legacy: Structured Inequality in America’s Public Schools (pp. 41–88)
- IN CLASS: Student Conferences
*Learning Journal #1 is “due” on Week 5
- Watch Stolen Education or The Lemon Grove Incident
- Rucker C. Johnson. (2015). Follow the Money: School Spending from Title I to Adult Earnings, 50-76.
- BYOT: Bring your own text (article, video, audio, image, performance)
- Sanchez, M. et al, (2022). Immigrant Parents and Their Children in Times of COVID-19: Facing Inequities Together in the “Mexican Room” of the New Latino South.
- Reardon, S. (2016). School Segregation and Racial Academic Achievement Gaps
- Hadjar & Gross. (2016). Education systems and inequalities, Choice: Ch. 5, 8, or 11
- NYT. (2014). The Tale of Two Schools
- Kandice Sumner: How America’s public schools keep kids in poverty | TED Talk
- IN CLASS: Writer’s Workshop
- Nguyen, K. M. (2023). “We Are The Future”: Career Attitudes of MilleniGenZ College Students, 145–164.
- Watson, T. (2019). A Love Letter to Babette Edwards: Harlem’s “Othermother”
- Alim, H. S. (2023). Inventing “the White Voice”: Racial Capitalism, Raciolinguistics & Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies, 147–166.
*Learning Journal #2 is “due” on Week 9
- Benjamin, R. (2024) Ruha Benjamin with Rujeko Hockley: Imagination | LIVE from NYPL
- Woodson, C.G. (2009/1933) The Mis-Education of the Negro, Chapter 1-3
- Watson, T. N. (2016). Talking Back.
- Craig, T. (2013). “‘Jackin’ for Beats’”: DJing for Citation Critique. The Radical Teacher, 97, 20–29.
- Marsellas, N. (2019). Off Scaffolding and into the Deep End. The Radical Teacher, 115, 13–20.
- Smitherman, G (1997). “The Chain Remain the Same” Communicative Practices in the Hip Hop Nation (in The Vault 🗝)
- Vetting your own sources
- Exploring Student Activism (JSTOR Open Access)
- IN CLASS: Final Student Conferences and Writing Workshops
*Learning Journal #3 is “due” on Week 12
- Guest Speakers: Youth, Parents, Organizers, Stakeholders
- BYOT: The Radical Teacher on JSTOR
- Half of students will present their final projects
- All of us will begin the Course Reflection Section I
- Final half of final projects
- IN CLASS: Celebrations & Libations
Image Credit: Atlanta University Center Repository, Eleanor Butler and her daughter integrating Long Island, NY schools, Sept. 4, 1963.